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Science and Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub (SEERIH)

Meet the team

Meet the people who make SEERIH what it is.

  • Eleanor Atkinson

    Eleanor Atkinson

    SEERIH Consultant: Eleanor has a wealth of experience in primary science education, teaching science for 16 years across mainstream and SEND schools. In 2015 Eleanor was awarded a Primary Science Teaching Award and became a lifelong Fellow of the Primary Science Teaching Trust. She is also an Explorify Champion, an assessor and Hub Leader for the Primary Science Quality Mark, and co-ordinates a PSTT cluster of schools.

  • Lynne Bianchi

    Professor Lynne Bianchi

    Director of SEERIH: Lynne specialises in science and engineering education, with a specialism in the primary phase and student-led learning. She became Director of the SEERIH in 2014. She has a well-established profile in the areas of teaching, learning and assessment of school science and engineering, and cascades learning by working with in-service teachers.

  • Cate Dodgson

    Cate Dodgson (Freelance)

    SEERIH Consultant

  • Jon Chippindall

    Dr Jon Chippindall

    SEERIH Senior Professional Development Champion (Engineering): Jon is a primary school teacher and Computing Leader at Crumpsall Lane Primary School as well as a visiting academic at The University of Manchester where he champions engineering for SEERIH and runs the Computing Primary PGCE.

  • Nicola Fletcher

    Nicola Fletcher

    SEERIH Specialist Officer: Nicola has 18 years of teaching experience across both the primary and secondary sectors. She worked as an analytical chemist, before studying a PGCE. She helped her school to achieve the Primary Science Quality Mark and took part in SEERIH networks and campaigns, before joining the team in 2024.

  • Farah Frikha

    Farah Frikha

    SEERIH Administration Assistant Engineering Educate and for the Great Science Share for Schools; Farah joined the team in 2024 with a background in Mechatronic Engineering and Social Media Management.

  • Kate Goodier

    Kate Goodier

    SEERIH Administration Assistant and Campaign Administrator for the Great Science Share for Schools; Kate joined the team in 2020 with a background in primary school and higher education administration.

  • Frances Hunt

    Frances Hunt

    SEERIH Specialist Officer: Frances has 18 years of primary school teaching experience and was science lead for 16 years. Her degree is in Psychology and she trained as a teacher via the PGCE route specialising in Primary Education. She joined SEERIH as Specialist Officer in 2024.

  • Nada Mahyoub

    Nada Mahyoub

    SEERIH PhD Student: Nada is a qualified secondary school science teacher with a background in Biomedical Science. Additionally, Nada is a STEM Ambassador and often participates in STEM events, supporting local primary and secondary schools in Greater Manchester. She also works in the NHS as a Biomedical Support Worker.

  • Grace Marson

    Grace Marson

    SEERIH Specialist Lead: Grace has had roles in the youth and charity sector, leading projects including working with young carers, young offenders and multi-agency collaboration. Grace joined SEERIH to deliver subject leader networks and the ECT Mentoring Programme. As SEERIH’s Specialist Lead, Grace has the opportunity to bring together her strategic and pedagogic expertise and share her passion for teacher development and STEM.

  • Christina Whittaker

    Christina Whittaker

    SEERIH Senior Professional Development Champion: Tina has a wealth of experience in improving learning through effective teaching in primary science. She was the Director of the Regional West Midlands Science Learning Centre but more recently, is a freelance consultant. She contributes to SEERIH's strategic planning, action research and the interface between policy and practice.

  • David Xu

    David Xu

    SEERIH Programme Administrator